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柔性填埋场与刚性填埋场不同之处 Differences between flexible landfill and rigid landfill

author:超级管理员 Release time:2023-08-01 15:13:41visits:267


Flexible landfill: A landfill disposal facility that uses a double layer artificial cushion layer (usually two layers of HDPE geomembrane) as the anti-seepage layer, usually used in areas with good geological conditions and low groundwater levels.


Main design points: The flexible landfill should use a double artificial composite cushion layer as the anti-seepage layer.


1. The main lining layer should have a thickness of no less than 0.3m and a clay lining layer with a saturated permeability coefficient of less than 1.0 * 10-7cm/s after compaction, manual modification, and other measures.


2. The secondary lining layer should have a thickness of no less than 0.5m and a clay lining layer with a saturated permeability coefficient of less than 1.0 * 10-7cm/s after compaction, manual modification, and other measures.


3. When high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is used as an artificial synthetic anti-seepage material, its thickness shall not be less than 2.0mm.


4. A leakage detection layer should be installed between two layers of artificial composite lining in a flexible landfill.


Rigid landfill: A landfill disposal facility that uses a reinforced concrete structure as an anti-seepage layer, usually used in soft soil areas and areas with high groundwater levels.


Main design points: The reinforced concrete structure should be lined with an artificial anti-seepage lining layer.


1. The compressive strength of concrete shall not be less than 25N/mm2, and the thickness shall not be less than 35cm


2. Designed as several independent and symmetrical landfill units, each with an area not exceeding 50m2 or a volume not exceeding 250m3


3. Canopy and visual inspection layer should be set up.
