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土工膜基面处理质量措施 Quality Measures for Geomembrane Surface Treatment

author:admin Release time:2020-12-12 17:26:02visits:538

基面开挖施工过程中,要注意地面标志物所示的对施工有干扰的埋于地下的各种管线, 提出处理措施。

During the excavation process of the foundation, attention should be paid to the various underground pipelines shown by ground markers that may interfere with the construction, and treatment measures should be proposed.


Requirements for excavating the base layer:

一、平整度:+5cm/2m, 平整顺直

1、 Flatness:+5cm/2m, smooth and straight

二、压实度:根据压实实验要求, 按压实遍数和使用相应吨位的平碾机械碾压后, 在其上铺设土工膜

2、 Compaction degree: According to the requirements of the compaction experiment, after pressing the number of times and using the corresponding tonnage of flat rolling machinery for compaction, lay the geomembrane on top of it


3、 Cleanliness: There should be no sharp debris such as stones, debris, tree roots, reed roots, concrete particles, etc. inside the base surface.

四、排水、排气系统安装质量控制措施库底排水、排气系统施工主要是盲沟开挖、软式透水管及逆止阀的安装。透水盲管要安装在盲沟的中心位置。盲沟的粗砂回填要饱满密实。在盲沟交叉位置用四通进行连接。逆止阀位置用五通连接。软式透水管与四通或五通的连接用土工布包裹搭接。逆止阀安装完成后覆土时,逆止阀周围1米内严禁机械靠近填土,应人工分层夯实至设计高程, 不能扰动砼底座及承插管, 保证逆止阀不受损伤。

4、 Quality control measures for drainage and exhaust system installation: The construction of the drainage and exhaust system at the bottom of the warehouse mainly involves blind ditch excavation, installation of soft permeable pipes and check valves. The permeable blind pipe should be installed at the center of the blind ditch. The coarse sand backfill of the blind ditch should be full and dense. Connect with a cross at the intersection of the blind ditch. The position of the check valve is connected through a five way connection. The connection between the flexible permeable pipe and the four or five way pipe is wrapped and overlapped with geotextile. After the installation of the check valve is completed, it is strictly prohibited for machinery to approach the filling soil within 1 meter around the check valve. It should be manually compacted in layers to the design elevation, and the concrete base and socket pipe should not be disturbed to ensure that the check valve is not damaged.
