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飞灰厂(地下排水管安装注意事项) Fly ash plant (precautions for installation of underground drainage pipes)

author:超级管理员 Release time:2022-04-29 08:04:56visits:579


The key points of its construction are:


First, use HDOE film to make a trumpet shaped pipe sleeve, with a small radius that is consistent with the mold opening, and a large radius of about 0.8 meters (specific size will be determined during installation) and divided into 6-8 small pieces. Then, insert the pipe sleeve into the dam pipe in order of size from large to small, adjust the position of the pipe sleeve according to the actual situation on site, and use a hot air gun to temporarily stabilize it. At this time, it should be noted that there are no suspended parts of the pipe sleeve, and finally, separate the large and small parts of the sleeve The small sleeve is welded on the HDPE film surface and pipe of the anti-seepage layer, and a stainless steel hoop is added at the HDPE pipe.

