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土工膜的应用 Application of Geomembrane

author:超级管理员 Release time:2022-07-01 10:21:37visits:537


The main application areas of HDPE geomembrane are:

1、 HDPE 土工膜适用环保、环卫:如垃圾填埋场、污水处理厂、电厂调节池、工业、医院固体废弃物等;

1. HDPE geomembrane is suitable for environmental protection and sanitation, such as landfills, sewage treatment plants, power plant regulating ponds, industrial and hospital solid waste, etc;


2. HDPE geomembrane is applicable to water conservancy projects: such as seepage prevention, leakage stoppage, reinforcement of Rivers and Lakes, reservoir dams, seepage prevention of canals, vertical core walls, slope protection, etc;

3、 HDPE土工膜在市政工程:地铁、建筑物地下工程、种植屋面、屋顶花园、污水管防渗;

3. HDPE geomembrane is used in municipal engineering such as subway, underground engineering of buildings, planting roofs, roof gardens, and anti-seepage of sewage pipes;

4、 聚乙烯防渗膜适用园林:人工湖、河道、蓄水池、高尔夫球场的水塘底、护坡、绿化草坪防水防潮等;

4. Polyethylene anti-seepage film is suitable for gardens: artificial lakes, rivers, reservoirs, pool bottoms of golf courses, slope protection, waterproof and moisture-proof green lawns, etc;

5、 高密度聚乙烯土工膜适用石化:化工厂、炼油厂、储油罐防渗、化学反应池、沉淀池的内衬、二次衬层等;

5. High density polyethylene geomembrane is suitable for petrochemical applications such as lining and secondary lining of chemical plants, refineries, oil storage tanks, chemical reaction tanks, sedimentation tanks, etc;

6、 聚乙烯土工膜适用矿业:洗选池、堆浸池、堆灰场、溶解池、沉淀池、堆场、尾矿的底衬防渗等;

6. Polyethylene geotextile film is suitable for mining: washing tank, heap leaching tank, ash yard, dissolution tank, sedimentation tank, storage yard, bottom lining anti-seepage of tailings, etc;

7、 低密度聚乙烯膜适用交通设施:公路的基础加固、涵洞的防渗;

7. Low density polyethylene film is suitable for transportation facilities: foundation reinforcement of highways and anti-seepage of culverts;

8、 HDPE土工膜适用农业:水库、饮用水池、蓄水塘、废渣处理场,灌溉系统的防渗;

8. HDPE geomembrane is suitable for agriculture: anti-seepage of reservoirs, drinking water tanks, water storage ponds, waste disposal sites, and irrigation systems;

9、 HDPE土工膜适用水产养殖业:集约化,工厂化养殖池、鱼塘,虾池的内衬、海参圈护坡等;

9. HDPE geotextile film is suitable for aquaculture industry: intensive and industrialized aquaculture ponds, fish ponds, shrimp ponds, and sea cucumber ring slope protection;


10. HDPE geomembrane is suitable for salt industry: salt crystallization tank, brine tank cover, salt film, salt tank plastic cover.
